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  • Experimental Research
  • 4 w ·Youtube

    Brown Eyes vs. Blue Eyes” Experiment 👀⚖️

    Can labels influence how we treat others? The Brown Eyes vs. Blue Eyes experiment by Jane Elliott revealed the deep impact of prejudice and stereotypes.

    In this groundbreaking classroom experiment, Elliott divided her students based on their eye color. One group was told they were superior—smarter, better, and more deserving—while the other group was labeled as inferior. Within hours, the "superior" group became confident and dominant, while the "inferior" group showed signs of anxiety and reduced performance.

    The next day, Elliott reversed the roles, and the same behaviors appeared in the opposite groups. The lesson was clear: labels and societal biases can shape behavior and self-esteem in powerful ways.

    This experiment is a timeless reminder of how prejudice is taught, not inherent, and how easily it can influence our perceptions and actions.

    💡 How can we challenge the labels we see or impose in our daily lives? Let’s work toward a more equitable world.

    #Equality #Psychology #SocialExperiment #Empathy #Experimental #Research

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